A Documentary Inspiring Recovery Through Art



A Documentary Inspiring Recovery through Art

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Nine artists recovering from addiction use the creative process to awaken their true selves and pursue another chance at life.

THE CREATIVE HIGH explores how artists grappling with substance use disorder harness creative expression to heal and rebuild meaningful lives. Through hip-hop, theater, dance, rock and roll, photography and painting, this revealing documentary showcases how various art mediums can inspire resilience and celebrate the human spirit.

09_07_22_TCH Poster w: Laurels

This film is resonating with audiences across the country.

Our award-winning documentary has been partnering nationwide to pave the way for discussion and action for all those affected by addiction.

“One needn’t be in recovery or an artist to experience the transformative power of art.” 

— Michael Fox, Journalist, Film Critic, KQED

“These stories help counter the romantic notion that one 'has to suffer to be creative.”

— Susan Raeburn, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

UNAFF - Stanford Screening with Sign
Phoenix Event, Group, Sober Space
Nevada Council Screening Group of People

The Creative High Experience

The tide is turning with a revolution in mental health and recovery advocacy. Alongside traditional addiction treatment methods, holistic health and arts interventions are increasingly prevalent, providing essential support for individuals in their healing journey. More than just a film, THE CREATIVE HIGH offers insight, resources, and solutions for artists, their families, recovery communities, and those in the behavioral health field.

Nearly 1 in 3 adults had either a substance use disorder or a mental illness in the past year.” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)

“Creative expression can play a crucial role in the recovery process by providing a healthy coping mechanism and self-reflection.”Mental Health America (MHA)

“Overdose deaths continue to rise in the US, reaching another record level continuing to be one of the most tragic issues of our time.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

“Art can have many positive benefits for mental health, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and improving mood.” National Institutes of Health (NIH)